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Rifle & Bow Hunting

Sable Valley Safaris offers a variety of full range plain game like Impala, Wildebeest, Kudu, Zebra, Eland and even Buffalo for the more adventurous hunter. There are other exotic game species like the white springbuck, black and saddleback Impala and the off course our large number of Sables. Sable Valley Safaris carries its name with pride and offers a large collection of trophee Sable Bulls on offer. Most of them are the off spring of the local renown breeding bull, Casanova.


We at Sable Valley Safaris offer rifle and bow hunting. Accompanied by a professional and highly experienced Professional Hunter that will guarantee a Sable trophee on a daily rate. Even for a bow hunter by walk and stalk due to our large number of antelope.

Bow Hunting - Hides



Wi-Fi is available in Camp.


Methods of Hunting

  • Bow Hunting – Walk and Stork/Blinds at Waterholes.

  • Rifle Hunting

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